2024年8月28日 星期三
2024年8月22日 星期四
2024年8月21日 星期三
Reminder Letter
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
Once again, This is Mr.Mykhailo Vladimir from Ukraine. I am re-sending you this note today 22/8/2024 as a reminder to my proposal below that I sent to your address: mkho.momentum107@blogger.com on the 2/8/2024.
Due to the instability as a result of the Russia war predicament that has affected my country Ukraine. And as you can see right now that my country Ukraine has become totally displaced.
For this reason, I would like to make a proposal to move out some funds directly to you for a Joint Partnership business establishment with you in your country that would possibly yield remarkable results in the near future for us.
For more discussion If interested, Please send me an email at; mykhaylovladimir5@gmail.com Or add me on WhatsApp: +380-99-158-1218
Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
Thanks with best regards,
Mykhailo Vladimir.
2024年8月16日 星期五
【中秋送禮倒數一個月】9月17日中秋禮品全城熱賣 - 名店月餅、中秋果籃,企業訂製要趁早!全港免運費,中港澳直達
2024年8月7日 星期三
2024年8月5日 星期一
【Gogo Herbs進口保健品2折起!】期短清貨價: GNC、Kirkland Signature、Jamieson 等品牌限時激減,低至成本價出售!數量有限,搶完即止!!
907 Silvercord Tower 2 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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